Become comfortable with being uncomfortable

Your comfort zone is your biggest dream killer, your soul’s extinguisher. You don’t grow in your comfort zone. You don’t fully live, remaining there. Challenges in life are inevitable so get used to being uncomfortable because through the discomfort we grow and growth is an important part of living a truly fulfilling life.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Avoiding situations that make you feel uncomfortable will affect how you care for yourself. If you don’t want to deal with confrontation you will avoid standing up for yourself, unconsciously telling your soul that you don’t matter as much as the other people’s wellbeing. If you don’t ask for what you want in any relationship (love, friendship, work relations…) you are basically saying that your needs and desires are not as important as the other people’s and that their peace matters more than yours. You are simply disrespecting yourself. And THAT is not self-love.

Another consequence of avoiding being uncomfortable is missing opportunities, such as meeting new people (a new lover, new friends who share the same passion or hobbies as you, a future employer, or new clients…), discovering who you truly are through pushing past your limits, finding new ways to do something, getting better at anything through trial and failure, etc.

Life is meant to be lived through the discomfort. We grow when we face what is uncomfortable, such as, for example, emotional healing. Healing from emotional wounds is very uncomfortable as we must face negative feelings, thoughts, memories, etc. So, become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Welcome the discomfort, feel it then let it dissipate through taking action, through just doing what needs to be done to move forward.

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