You don’t need to perform to be loved

You don’t need to perform to be loved

In addition, you get ignored, belittled, or sent into isolation if you do anything different from what is expected of you…Anyone who makes you feel that you are hard to love is not…

God is love

God is love

A lot of people have used the name of God (and still uses it) in the most destructive and harmful ways. This contributed to a lot of people fearing the word God, to a lot of people removing it from their lives, to a lot 

Knowing yourself before getting into any relationship is beneficial

Knowing yourself before getting into any relationship is beneficial

Self-awareness is the first step to complete before deciding what career to pursue, what relationship you want, where you want to live, etc. If you don’t know who you are, how will you know what you like, what you want, what makes you happy, what makes you vibrate high and what your boundaries are?

How to attract love into your life

How to attract love into your life

It starts with you. It starts with you knowing who you are, accepting everything about yourself, embracing everything that makes you, YOU.