The mind can play tricks on you

The mind can play tricks on you

Your mind telling you that you are not enough, that you are too much, that you are problematic, that you are a burden, that you are not worthy, that you are not loved, that no one cares about you, and more statements of that sort, are lies.

What helped me level up in my life?

What helped me level up in my life?

I decided to look at my situation at the time to see my part of responsibility in it. Then, I decided to do the work within to create the life and relationships I want.

How to hear intuition over fear

How to hear intuition over fear

A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear.

Knowing yourself before getting into any relationship is beneficial

Knowing yourself before getting into any relationship is beneficial

Self-awareness is the first step to complete before deciding what career to pursue, what relationship you want, where you want to live, etc. If you don’t know who you are, how will you know what you like, what you want, what makes you happy, what makes you vibrate high and what your boundaries are?