3 ways to reduce stress

3 ways to reduce stress

Stress can have a significant impact on your health if you are under a lot of it. Stress is at the root of many diseases. Therefore, it is quite important to reduce it as much as possible to avoid getting sick, physically or mentally.

Stop saying yes to EVERYONE

Stop saying yes to EVERYONE

“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.” – Paulo Coelho

Self-love is not easy but necessary

Self-love is not easy but necessary

Self-love is not easy. It requires compassion, patience, trust, strength, resilience, vulnerability, and much more. The journey to self-love will be uncomfortable. However, trust the process and remember to be gentle with yourself and rest when needed.

Improve your relationship with yourself with this tip

Improve your relationship with yourself with this tip

Be mindful of the way you speak to yourself and about yourself. Even as a joke. Your soul does not know the difference.