Knowing yourself before getting into any relationship is beneficial
It is quite beneficial to know yourself before getting into any relationship. Self-awareness is the first step to complete before deciding what career to pursue, what relationship you want, where you want to live, etc. If you don’t know who you are, how will you know what you like, what you want, what makes you happy, what makes you vibrate high, and what your boundaries are?
I wish it was more emphasized how important it is for people to know themselves before making impactful decisions such as career choices, marriage or love partnership, etc… I wish it was encouraged for people to go explore and discover themselves through trial and error while making mistakes is not shamed.
Through mistakes, we can grow. There are always valuable lessons to learn. Life includes mistakes. It’s okay to fail, it’s okay to be mistaken about choices we made with the information we had and the context we were in.
We exist in this world to learn, unlearn, love, grow, and be happy. We learn so much when we give ourselves permission to live fully. And, part of living fully is sometimes making mistakes. So, go on and get to know yourself. Being self-aware will help you align your actions and life decisions to your true self. You’ll also know what kind of relationships suit you best.