Love yourself. Spread love.
One of the maaaaany reasons why I created this blog, its Instagram account, and a YouTube channel, encouraging you to practice self-love by being your authentic self and following your intuition is I have seen and see how people not being heard, not being seen, not being accepted, not being understood, and not being loved as they are can lead to them harming themselves (in various ways).
I have seen many teenage girls, one not so long ago walking down the street, with her arms with fresh cut wounds. Cuts she did to herself. It broke my heart. She probably was about 14 years old.
I lost a friend during my university studies who killed himself while he was studying abroad, in Paris.
I have heard of many suicides due to a lack of love and acceptance for too long, probably since childhood.
A lack of love and acceptance has ruined many relationships with family.
And so many people hurt other people because they don’t accept themselves. They carry heavy burdens such as shame and judgment and push it onto others through hurtful behavior.
All this to say that when we practice self-love which includes self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-forgiveness, we are most likely prone to be more accepting of others, show more compassion to others, to forgive others, and more.
Spread love.
When we practice self-love by listening to ourselves, our needs, and our desires, we are more prone to listen to others better.
When we accept our uniqueness we are more prone to accept others’ uniqueness and even celebrate it.
In addition, everyone around you gets to benefit from that. Family members, friends, kids, etc., will have someone who knows how to listen and accepts them as they are. Someone who provides a safe space to grow and evolve into their authentic selves.
Love yourself. Spread love. ♥️
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